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Watch Bands | Strapcode | This Is How Custom Leather Watch Bands Are Made

February 22, 2023 7 min read

Watch Bands | Strapcode | This Is How Custom Leather Watch Bands Are Made

Strapcode, a company that are known for their famous stainless steel Watch Bands, has recently moved their office to the top floor of SOUTHMARK in the Southern district. We sat down with their manager and CEO to discuss how their watch bands business is doing. Here's how the trend of watch bracelet went.

First Of All, What Do You Do Here?

1. I'm Here For Sales And Management

The idea is that you need somebody here who knows the watch market in the US well, because it's different from the European market. In terms of horology, that is a different culture, with different habits. The idea is that we want to bring over some of the Seiko watch band replacement products from our hometown to introduce them to the states. For example, we have this watch bracelet product called "Asteroid watch bands  on 20mm watch or 22mm" that was really successful in Europe but not so much in the States yet. We want to change that by offering something unique to Americans and hope they'll like our Seiko replacement watch bands."

2. The Other Reason I'm Here Is Brand Management

Strapcode solely served as a supplier for watch bands and bracelets made by selected manufacturers. However, we now aim to establish ourselves as a distinct brand by producing our high quality Seiko replacement watch bands. My main focus has been on enhancing our brand identity focus on systemic operation. As part of this effort, we have implemented a system on all sizing of watch bands such as odd size 19mm or 21mm watch band, which we plan to introduce to the market.

One Of The Most Common Problems With Watch Bands Is How Uncomfortable They Can Be

The 20mm watch band pressure from the watch bands against your wrist can cause discomfort, and in some cases, even pain. The 22mm watch band is especially true if you have a larger watch face or if you tend to wear your watch on your hand's outermost finger, where the weight of the watch face puts more stress on the Seiko watch bands buckle than usual. This can make it uncomfortable to wear your watch for long periods of time. Strapcode's custom leather watch bands and the Audemars Piguet watch strap products are made with high-quality Italian leather that is soft and gentle against your skin while the Bell & Ross watch strap is still durable enough to hold up to daily use. 

Because we have a factory that specialises in making woven leather watch bands, our watch bands are stitched together by hand rather than being mass produced on a Seiko watch bands assembly line. The 22mm watch band allows us to make all watch bands with a high level of attention and craftsmanship that ensures you get a top quality Bell & Ross watch strap product that will last for years to come. Our customers also love the fact that we use a traditional hand-woven style of stitching because the Audemars Piguet watch strap gives their watch bands a vintage look that makes the IWC big pilot watch strap stand out from other standard options.

Strapcode Is A Company That Creates Custom-Made Watch Bands In The Usa

The 22mm watch band process is surprisingly intricate and their results are beautiful. It all starts with high quality, vegetable tanned leather. From there, watch bands are cut, punched, dyed and the IWC big pilot watch strap assembled by hand by skilled craftsmen in New York. As they say, "We make timepieces accessories that work with your watch, not against the Seiko watch bands." watch bands are the most popular Audemars Piguet watch strap accessories that you can put on your wrist watch. You can choose from a variety of custom watch bands, but the Bell & Ross watch strap are all made in a similar way.

The Process Is Divided Into Three Main Parts: 

Designing, Cutting And Stitching

Designing the IWC big pilot watch strap is the most complicated part of the process and it's done by watching experts (and people who have some experience in this 22mm watch band replacement field). Strapcode has such people, who are responsible for creating new 25mm watch strap styles and designs. While designing, they try to fit watch bands style to any model of watches. After the designing process of the Audemars Piguet watch band, watch bands makers started cutting leather Apple watch 44mm watch band products (or other material) for custom watch bands. 

Strapcode watch bands

Each Bracelet Has A Set Of Holes For Stitching

The holes must be made accurately in order to produce a high-quality 22mm watch band replacement product. The 25mm watch strap uses special machines to make holes and cut leather thongs. After cutting the Audemars Piguet watch band, watch bands makers sew watch bands manually with specially designed needles and thread to prevent leather from tearing apart during stitching. During the sewing process, the Apple watch 44mm watch band test watch bands to ensure its quality.

People Love Watch Bands From Strapcode Because They Are Truly Custom

Each 22mm watch band replacement type of watch bands is made just for you, with your design and in your choice of leather. Though the 25mm watch strap process of making watch bands takes time, there is no better way to get exactly what you want. You can choose the colour and Audemars Piguet watch band type of leather, the width and thickness, the kind of stitching—everything. To see how the Apple watch 44mm watch band is done, let's take a look at each step in the process.

There Are Three Main Parts To Making A Watch Bands: 

Cutting, Sewing And Finishing

The Bell & Ross watch band cutting part is done with a CNC machine. The sewing part is done by hand with a sewing machine. The finishing part has to do with polishing the handmade watch band edges of the leather once everything else is done. 

Here's How It Works:

The first step in making watch bands involves cutting out every individual Bell & Ross watch band piece that goes into the watch bands. For example, for this particular watch bands we are looking at here, the handmade watch band will have 10 pieces: two pieces of leather for the body of the watch bands, six pieces for the pinstripes running down the 20mm watch band replacement side and one more piece for the loop at the end of each watch bands (called an end tab). Since all these custom made watch strap pieces need to be cut to precise measurements.

Strapcode Is One Of The Leading Custom Watch Bands Makers

In this article, we will see how the Bell & Ross watch band make watch bands. "I'm happy to say that we've been able to meet the demand for our handmade watch band products, and we're continuing to grow," said Strapcode's founder and CEO, Stella Tung. "We're in a very exciting time right now." Strapcode's 20mm watch band replacement customers come from all walks of life, and the custom made watch strap people who make their custom watch bands are no exception. 

Strapcode's Journey To The Usa Began With A Simple Idea: 

We wanted to bring a high quality European 20mm watch band replacement product to the US market. We had already begun developing the 26mm watch strap for our craftsmanship and our ability to create custom designs. So when we were approached by a group of friends who wanted us to bring our brown watch strap products to the States, the custom made watch strap seemed like a good move.

Strapcode watch bands

Strapcode Is A Company That Specialises In Custom Leather Watch Bands

The 26mm watch strap company was started by community-minded watch enthusiasts, who wanted to create a unique brown watch strap  and affordable watch bands for the watches they had bought together. The custom made watch band wanted to share their idea with other people, so they created a Kickstarter campaign to get it off the ground. The campaign was successful, and now Strapcode offers several different custom made watch band types of watch bands: One-piece Nylon and ZHAKA as well as watch bands in different colours and leather watchband finishes.

In this section, we follow Strapcode's journey as a company from beginning to end (from start to finish). We see how these community-minded custom made watch band enthusiasts came up with an idea for a new product, how they decided to create it, how the 26mm watch strap got it through the prototyping process and into production, how the brown watch strap designed the packaging for their final product, how the leather watchband made their first sale on Amazon—and then we see that the metal watch band replacement company has grown and the black watch strap founders have moved on to different areas in the world! 

The leather watchband is a case study of how one company started from scratch and is now producing its own metal watch band replacement products! Strapcode is an American manufacturer of unique, handmade watch bands. The orient watch band process starts with designing custom leather watch bands, which the black watch strap can do in-house or they can work with you to design the watch bands from another business.

The Customer Then Pays For The Custom Design And The Materials Used To Make The Watch Bands

Once payment has been received, the metal watch band replacement takes about 10 days for the customer to receive their order. Once the materials arrive, the casio watch strap replacement options are put into a massive machine that cuts them down to size. After cutting, the orient watch band options are punched with holes that were required based on each individual black watch strap pattern. Next, the material is placed into another machine where a laser cuts out all of the holes and the handmade watch strap patterns necessary for individual watch bands.

After this process has been completed, the leather orient watch band is ready to be sewn together and punched with any casio watch strap replacement additional holes that may be needed for adjustment purposes. Once sewn together, each piece of leather handmade watch strap is placed into a machine that cuts the change watch strap down to size according to customer specifications. After being cut down to size, the blue watch strap options are then punched with any additional holes needed and finally placed into another machine that stitches the change watch strap together with heavy duty thread.

Strapcode, a company based in Georgia that specialises in custom leather watch bands, has a fascinating crocodile watch band process for creating leather watch bands. First, they scan the customer's original watch bands using two different machines. The casio watch strap replacement creates two exact digital copies of the original strap. Then, the handmade watch strap uses one copy as a template for cutting the material for the new watch bands and uses the other copy to cut out the holes for the spring bars and clasp of the new change watch strap. The blue watch strap uses that piece as a guide for their machines to cut out those holes in the second version of the original blue watch strap. Finally, they hand-stitch watch bands together by hand.


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